Katie Rivera of One Stop Systems explores how rack-scale composable infrastructure can be utilized for mixed workload data centers.
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Last week, OSS unveiled the newest version of its rack-scale GPU Accelerator products, the GPUltima-CI (Composable Infrastructure) at the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC 2018). GPUltima-CI allows mixed use datacenters to greatly increase GPU, networking and storage resource utilization compared to similar hyperconverged server solutions.
The GPUltima-CI power optimized rack configuration features up to 32 dual Intel Xeon Scalable Architechture compute nodes, 64 network adapters, 48 NVIDIA Volta GPUs and 32 NVMe drives on a 128Gb PCIe switched fabric allowing for a large number of composable server configurations per rack. Using one or many racks, the OSS solution contains the necessary resources to compose a wide variety of combinations of GPU, NIC and Storage resources required in today's mixed workload data center.
According to the American Trucking Associations (ATA), at current trends the driver shortage could surpass 160,000 by 2030. ATA estimates that, in the next decade, the industry will have to recruit nearly a million new drivers into the industry to replace drivers exiting the field due to retirements, driver burn-out, compensation and poor benefits. These are the challenges facing transportation executives in securing a robust driver pool.
However, the challenge of driver shortages does not end with the trucking industry. Rather, the scarcity of drivers directly affects the larger manufacturing sector.
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