On October 9-11, we showcased our latest cutting-edge artificial intelligence products at AUSA in Washington D.C. We demonstrated our line of rugged AI Transportable solutions that offer threat detection, surveillance for the US Army and more.
One Stop Systems exhibited at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo & Conference at the Santa Clara Convention Center. Weshowcased our latest solutions in autonomous vehicle technology including our flagship product, Rigel, as well as AI Transportable storage and compute solutions, such as the EB4400 and 3U SDS.
We attended DSEI in London this past September where we showcased our datacenter-class rugged edge GPU and storage servers like the Gen4 3U SDS, 4U Pro, and our award winningRigel. The Rigel Edge Supercomputer was awarded "Best In Show" by Military Embedded Systems. These products featured at DSEI offer acceleration of AI Transportable workloads including sensor fusion, natural language processing, autonomous navigation and threat detection as well as signal processing, electronic warfare and sensor recording, storage and transport.
One Stop Systems exhibited at the AVUSI XPONENTIAL at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver on May 8-11, 2023. We showcased our latest solutions in autonomous vehicle technology including our flagship product, Rigel, as well as AI Transportable storage and compute solutions, such as the EB4400 and 3U SDS.
OSS was at the Navy League's Sea-Air-Space Exposition in National Harbor, MD on April 3-5, 2023, where we showcased our specialized high-performance artificial intelligence computing solutions. These specialized platforms include customized servers, compute accelerators, flash storage arrays and expansion systems deployed today in critical defense systems on land, air and sea.
One Stop Systems was at WEST 2023 on Feb. 14-16. WEST is the premier sea services conference and exposition on the west coast, where we showcased our latest cutting-edge artificial intelligence products.